Diarrhea is a health problem that is often experienced by children under five years old (toddlers). In addition to adequate fluid intake, zinc supplements are known to help overcome the condition. Globally, child mortality due to diarrhea is still relatively high. Indonesia is a developing country that is still struggling with this. Based on surveys and basic health research conducted by the Ministry of Health, it is known that diarrhea is still the main cause of infant mortality with the main cause of improper handling. Reducing the Severity of Diarrhea Without proper treatment, diarrhea can lead to nutritional deficiencies, decreased immune system and growth and development disorders in children. In children under five, severe diarrhea can cause dehydration until death. Especially in patients with diarrhea with low endurance or lack of nutrients in the body. Zinc supplementation is one of the methods used to help treat diarrhea in infants, along with administering fluids for r...